Broken Blade Farms
Cato, New York
Broken Blade Farm is a first-generation family farm located in the rolling drumlins of Ira New York, overlooking Beaver Meadows. We started because after years of growing our own food, friends and family started requesting what we were growing as well. We are continually expanding our scope to cover these growing requests for our goods as our friends of the farm group also expands.

Why Broken Blade?
Blades are use all over farms for a variety of jobs, they end up broken one of two ways. First, they are stressed due to misuse by an amateur user. Second, they simply wear out from constent use. We feel both represent the farm and how we operate. Being a first generation farm we are learning as we go and often make mistakes. But we are determined to get it right and keep at it till we do.
For more about us, see our About Us page.